About Me

Duane Giddis

I am the pastor of a church we planted in eastern Montana. I am the husband of a wonderful woman, and we have three terrific children!

I love Jesus, and I love God's Word (the Bible). I believe that God has given us what we need in order to live life to the fullest. Every area of our life, from our problems and challenges to our victories and successes, has its share of challenges. The Bible teaches us how to face those challenges and do the right thing.

The best and most important thing is being right with God, and the Bible tells us how that is possible by trusting in Jesus. When we're right with God through a relationship with Jesus, every other area of our life will begin to straighten out.

Thank you for joining me in my adventures through God's Word and discovering how it impacts life!

The Bible Ranger Mission

The desire is to explore the Bible and discover how God's Word impacts our lives!

I seek to "range" through the Bible so that I can know it, understand it, apply it, and share it. I am not afraid to ask questions, seek answers, and tackle tough issues in the pursuit.

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